2014-06-16 - LBJ High School Speedwork


~10 miles @ ~10.6 min/mi

Sultry sunrise speedwork on an empty LBJ High School track under a gibbous moon. After jogging from Mom's home in northeast Austin, an already-sweaty shirt comes off for the "ladder" of 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 laps (1:59-3:54-5:55-7:50-5:52-3:52-1:48), with clouds parting so a shadow chases me on the final interval. Spiral ramps to the pedestrian bridge over highway US-183 are not resolved by iPhone GPS. Double vision of the lane markings is slightly troublesome. A police car cruises slowly by in the middle of ladder around track; a blessed breeze from the south makes Texas summer humidity more tolerable. The ramble back adds detours to get both GPS units into double digits. Garmin is ~5% more generous than the iPhone Runkeeper today. Cooldown comes via T'ai Chi for 20 minutes in Mom's driveway; dehydration makes digital scale read 139.5 at the post-run weigh-in.

^z - 2014-07-03